Ranks to Eagle

Tenderfoot – The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings.


Second Class – Second Class scouts work on building their outdoor survival and camping skills. Compass work, nature observation, camp tools, and mastered and demonstrated. A second class scout, having completed all the requirements, should be able to lead a hike, care for his own equipment, set up a campsite, and perform basic first aid.


First Class – When the First Class rank is attained, a scout has learned all the basic camping and outdoors skills of a scout. He can fend for himself in the wild, lead others on a hike or campout, and is qualified to hold a leadership position needed for the coming ranks. A First Class scout is prepared.


Star – Up through First Class rank, a scout was busy scout. He now moves from being a learner to being a leader. The Star rank is attained with participation, leadership, service, and self-directed advancement through merit badges.


Life – Continuing to develop leadership skills, the Life Scout rank is earned by fulfilling additional leadership positions, service hours, and merit model and leader in the troop, providing guidance to new scouts and helping the troop however he can. Being a good leader can only be learned by doing and troop leadership positions allow the scout to make decisions, lead discussions, and encourage others.


Eagle – To obtain the rank of Eagle, a Life Scout must complete leadership, hold specific Merit Badges, along with planning and leading a service project. There are guidelines of what the service project can be, however, it will test the scout’s skills and leadership skills and make sure that he is truly fit of an Eagle Scout.